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Simons Associateships
Starting in 2014, the Associateship Scheme introduced a new category of Associates 'Simons Associates', supported by a grant from Simons Foundation.
Terms and conditions of the Simons Associateships
During the next selection process (1 October 2013 - 31 January 2014) Associateship applicants will have an option to be considered for appointment as Simons Associates, with awards beginning in January 2015.
The eligibility requirements will be the same as for the long-standing ICTP Associateships, in particular the fields of research will be those listed on the ICTP Associateship applications.
The duration of the award will be for 6 years and each Simons Associate will have a Scientific Coordinator (SC) at Trieste.
A sum of Euro 12,000 will be made available to each Simons Associate. This amount will be allocated for travel and living expenses. Moreover, part of the allotment can be used to support accompanying students or post-docs, though this will have to be in agreement with the SC.
Each visit will have a minimum duration of 1 month and maximum duration of 70 days; a minimum of two visits must be made during the first 3 years of the award.
Simons Associates are requested to submit, a brief (one page or less) activity report, listing:
- research in progress;
- papers published or in preprint form;
- students and post-doctoral fellows advised;
- dates spent at the ICTP.
To the above will be adjoined a statement from the SC indicating that the activity report has been reviewed and approved, and summarizing scientific progress.