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Financial Report

The way that the financial report for Scientific Meetings should be organised

The Financial Report for Scientific Meetings


The organisation of  the financial report is important. You must fill in form A, which gives the OEA an overall view of how ICTP funds have been used. However, a more detailed description of how ICTP funds have been used is also required.  As part of the assignment you have already supplied a list of beneficiaries to the OEA. ICTP funds may only be given to these scientists and receipts are required. Below we indicate how the information should be presented to the OEA. Travel grants should be kept separate from Board and Lodging support.

Failure to provide an adequate financial report will preclude OEA support in the future.



For each beneficiary you should have a cover sheet with their name and affiliation clearly written. Stapled to this there should be

  1. The ticket (an electronic ticket is acceptable) as well as some travel stubs.
  2. A signed declaration that the scientist will not be reimbursed by other sources for the same ticket is also required.
  3. If the support is partial, then the scientist should attest to this.
  4. If there are exceptional circumstances, for example the beneficiary is provided travel support from some location other than their home country, then an explanation of that should be given.


Board and Lodging Support


  1. If a scientist is given a lump sum for baord and lodging we require that they sign a receipt for the total amount that they have received.
  2. If the scientist receives a per diem from ICTP funds but the hotel costs are provided by the organizers (if with ICTP funds) then  the scientist should sign receipt for the per diem and indicate that the hotel costs are covered by the organisers. The organisers on their part should also  provided the hotel receipt to the OEA.
  3. If the organisers also provide certain meals (with ICTP funds) then receipts for these should also be provided to the OEA.

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