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Applications for Scientific Meetings

Grants for Scientific Meetings Programme to be organized in Developing Countries

The Abdus Salam ICTP Office of External Activities (O.E.A.) encourages the organization of international and regional scientific meetings in developing countries by offering financial assistance to the organizers of conferences, workshops, and schools held in O.E.A. supported countries.

Grants are offered for meetings in the fields of physics and mathematics. A similar programme sponsored by the Third World Academy of Sciences offers support for meetings in the following fields of natural sciences: agricultural, biological, chemical, engineering, geological and medical sciences; for details see

Types of Scientific Meetings

A conference is a scientific meeting where original research is presented. It may last from a few days, up to two weeks and it is an occasion for scientists in the field to meet, to discuss current projects, listen to reports, etc. It is also an opportunity to establish contacts with people working on related problems.

A workshop refers to a topical and research oriented activity. It involves a great effort to engage the participants in discussions and research activities. The duration of a workshop is two to four weeks.

A course/college normally extends over four weeks or more. In lectures and tutorials, a specific field of physics or mathematics, including applied aspects, is introduced. Starting from the basis of the field, the participants may also be exposed to more advanced topics.

Submission of Applications

Applications should be presented on the specific application form below, and signed by the Head of the hosting institution.

The application should include a scientific programme and list of invited speakers with the topics indicated in detail together with title of lectures. Importance will be given to applications with most of the key speakers already confirmed.

Full responsibility in connection with the organization of the event lies with the Local Organizing Committee. The O.E.A. is willing to assist with advice or in any other way within its possibilities, as may be agreed upon separately.

As the ICTP-supported activities are meant to have a lasting impact, local and governmental authorities must share in the responsibility for the event. In this spirit, it is absolutely essential that local and/or national authorities give proper support. It is assumed that funds for local expenditure will be raised from the university or from government agencies. Each application must show at least a matching contribution from local sources.

Particular attention will be given to activities organized by the ICTP Affiliated Centres and/or ICTP federated institutions.

The organizers are invited to inform the local authorities and Embassies of their activity.

To help us speed up the process of refereeing, it is essential to specify the PACS or SC (Subject Classification in mathematics) numbers that correspond to your field:

­For Physics the PACS numbers can be found at: Please note that for our purposes it is enough to specify the digits; it is not necessary to include the sub-items. For example: 42.30 for Imaging and Optical Processing.

­For Mathematics the Subject Classification Numbers can be found at: Please note that for our purposes it is enough to specify the first two digits followed by a letter. Example: 14 Q for computational techniques.

Deadlines for Applications

Deadlines for receipt of applications are:

31 May for meetings to be held during January-April of the following year;

30 September for meetings to be held during May-August of the following year;

31 January for meetings to be held during September-December of the same year.


The ICTP funds are intended to cover the travel expenses of foreign participants and/or speakers from O.E.A. supported countries in the region, excluding the home country. Up to 40% of the grant may be used to cover board and lodging costs. The level of funding awarded to organize a meeting is up to a maximum of Euro 5,000. Travel arrangements should make full use of possible excursion fares or other cheap tickets available.

As such meetings are important in exposing young researchers and students to the frontiers of their fields of interest, the ICTP recommends that a substantial amount of the requested funds be used to cover the travel fares of participants rather than for lecturers.

Since the ICTP funds are limited, the organizers are encouraged to seek support from other sources as well.

Participants who are supported by the ICTP contribution should have their registration fees waived.

ICTP funds may NOT be used to pay honoraria to local organizers. This conforms to common practice in the scientific world.

Selection and approval procedure for ICTP sponsorship

All applications received by the ICTP are submitted to international experts in the field who are asked to evaluate the scientific level of the proposed programme. In making its recommendations, the referee may suggest modifications in form, content and estimated costs.

Selection of applications for ICTP support is based on peer review, by a Committee, and applications are selected for support following the recommendation of the referees. The Committee meetings are held three times a year.

The decisions of the Committee on each meeting, including the conditions to be fulfilled, are announced within four months after each deadline.

The ICTP grant is made in Euro. The procedure is that the Organizers open a bank account in the name of the meeting or use a bank account of the institute/university to which the ICTP Finance Office will transfer the allocated grant. These procedures are explained in the grant notification letters.


The ICTP expects that all activities be announced in posters and/or bulletins, and that as wide a distribution as possible within the region will be given to this material. It is also requested that once the ICTP has offered its support, its sponsorship will be acknowledged on all official announcements.

Final report

Within one month after the activity, the Organizers shall send to the O.E.A.:



Failure to submit the required report when due may result in the denial of support for future activities or other eligible projects involving the organizers.


Office of External Activities
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Via Beirut, 6 ­ 34014 Trieste Italy
Phone: +39-040 2240323 ­ Fax: +39 040 2240443 ­ E-Mail: Web site:

Application Form

Please read the rules and guidelines for support carefully before completing the form.

Applications for support of scientific meetings to be organized during the period 1 January to 31 December are invited. Deadlines for receiving applications for support are:

31 May for meetings to be held during January-April of the following year;

30 September for meetings to be held during May-August of the following year;

31 January for meetings to be held during September-December of the same year.

You can apply online or send in an application.

To apply online just click on the following link on-line application for scientific meetings.

Otherwise the following versions of the application form are currently available:

It is important that the application forms be completed in all detail. An incomplete application will not be considered. If more space is required attach additional pages. Applications should be clearly typewritten.

Applications should be submitted to:

Office of External Activities
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
P.O. Box 586 - Via Beirut, 6
I-34014 Trieste

Or by e-mail to Eleonora Crotta

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