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The ICTP will again participate in the Exhibition of Advanced Research (ERA) to be held at Trieste's Conference Centre Stazione Marittima between 17 October and 3 November. The biennial exhibition, which will contain displays from major science institutions throughout the region, nation and neighbouring countries, is sponsored by the Trieste Chamber of Commerce and AREA Science Park. As part of the exhibition's ongoing activities, local scientists will give a series of lectures to high school students. ICTP scientists participating in the lecture series include Oreste Reale (meteorology and climatology), Erio Tosatti (matter's strange properties), Julian Chela-Flores (the chemical origins of life), Raffaele Resta (phenomena, reversible and irreversible), Gallieno Denardo (lasers, past and future), and GianCarlo Ghirardi (symmetries, in art and science).

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