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Mohit Randeria, a theoretical physicist at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India, will be officially awarded the 2002 ICTP Prize at a ceremony scheduled to take place on 13 June in ICTP's Main Lecture Hall at 9.30. The award, in the field of condensed matter physics, is being given in honour of Nobel Laureate Philip W. Anderson, professor at Princeton University and former member of the ICTP Scientific Council. On 30 June, the 2002 Dirac Medal will be awarded to Alan Guth (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Andrei Linde (Stanford University, USA), and Paul Steinhardt (Princeton University, USA). The 2002 recipients of the Dirac Medal, the most prestigious award given by ICTP, have all made outstanding contributions to cosmology and, more specifically, to our understanding of the origins of the universe. The awards ceremony will take place in the Main Lecture Hall at 10.00.