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The ICTP Dirac Medal 2003 will be awarded to two worldwide-known experts in the field of turbulence. Robert H. Kraichnan, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, and Vladimir E. Zakharov, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow, Russian Federation, and University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, are being recognised "for their contributions to the theory of turbulence and for identifying classes of turbulence problems for which in-depth understanding has been achieved." Each winner receives a US$5,000 cash prize. Zakharov will deliver his Dirac Lecture on 10 September. The announcement of the Dirac Medal was made on 8 August, the birthday of the Nobel prize winner Paul A.M. Dirac, one of the Centre's most ardent supporters, who died in 1984. For additional information about the Dirac Medal, see the Centre's web page at

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