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Gabriel Olalere Ajayi (1941-2004)
Gabriel Olalere Ajayi, an ICTP Associate 1992-2004, died on 12 December 2004, in Abuja, Nigeria. He was 63.
Ajayi played an essential role in developing ICTP’s activities for the advancement of information and communication technologies in Nigeria and he lectured regularly at the Centre’s annual schools on digital radio communication. A former professor at Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, Ajayi was the Director General and Chief Executive Officer of the National Information Technology Development Agency, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology. His professional experience covered a wide range of activities in telecommunications, broadcasting and computers, including teaching, training, research and development. His friends at ICTP extend their condolences to his family and colleagues.
Gabriel Olalere Ajayi at ICTP’s 40th Anniversary Conference