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i-ROOMs devoted in Benin
Earlier this month, the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin, became the first institute to receive a computer-based multimedia kit as part of a new ICTP-sponsored partnership called “i-ROOMs". The kit, developed by ICTP’s Science Dissemination Unit, will be used to link the two scientific institutions via internet for exchanging information and broadcasting and archiving seminars and lectures. ICTP Associate Yebeni Batidao Kouagou, associate professor at the University of Abomey-Calavi, will serve as the local coordinator of the project. If successful, plans call for similar kits to be distributed to other ICTP federated institutes. For additional information, contact
Yebeni Batidao Kouagou receiving the i-ROOMs kit from ICTP director K.R. Sreenivasan