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Lectures over the Internet
The course “Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Science Applications” is taught at UC Berkeley by David Attwood, a recognized authority in lithography and microscopy, and in the fabrication of related optical systems. The course reviews fundamentals, techniques, and applications of synchrotron radiation, with emphasis on the extended ultraviolet and soft-x-ray range. A useful, up-to-date introduction for graduate students in materials science and related disciplines with a specific interest in applications and instrumentation.
Lectures are webcasted live on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. (Pacific time), during the period January 16 - May 8, 2007, and electronically archived for later viewing. The Webpage of the course includes the titles of the lectures with links to the Webcasts; lectures are free, just log on: