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ICTP and Venice lagoon project
Low cost, wireless network deployed to measure water fluxes
ICTP's Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory has developed and deployed a low cost, wireless "mesh" network that provides Internet connectivity for water sensors in the Venice lagoon. The water sensors measure water speed, flux, temperature and salinity, information that will be crucial for the success of Venice's planned flood protection barriers.
The network consists of five nodes spread over an area of about 14 square kilometers, with distances between nodes ranging from 7 km to 300 m. Three nodes are powered via solar panels. The water measurements gathered by the network, which was deployed at the request of Consorzio Venezia Nuova, are available online at Consorzio's website.
The Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory, headed by Dr. Sandro Radicella, aims to use the low-cost network for projects in developing countries as well.
Consorzio Venezia Nuova manages a programme of interventions to protect Venice against high waters and sea storms and to safeguard the lagoon's ecosystem environment.